Curried Cauliflower

Curried Cauliflower Recipe

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2015 Project - Rebooting my App Business

I am starting the year off with a brand new project. I need to get my mobile app business up and running again, it has been side-lined for far too long. I need to publish a lot of apps to build up my personal network, and the new year gives me the perfect reason to get back into the market.

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My Experience Converting Wordpress To Jekyll

Now that I have converted everything from my wordpress blog over to my Jekyll blog, I have determined that it is a very error prone process. Even so, perhaps listing the steps for producing a properly functioning Jekyll blog following the export of my wordpress posts will help someone along the way.

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Jammin with Rum

Heather found what seemed like a fantastic recipe for making preserves with rum. I tried it this weekend, and it was AMAZING!!!

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Site Move

This site is now hosted on Github pages. Why? Simple: I hate dealing with hackers. Last year someone broke into my server and messed up a bunch of my sites. Thankfully I had backups of everything and was able to get things up and running again, but it cost me my entire weekend. For anyone who has small children, you know there are only so many of those available. Losing even one is unacceptable.

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Learning VIPER

Any problem with a nick-name is pretty bad. This particular problem is one of the most common problems in iOS development is what is often termed ‘MVC’, or Massive-View-Controller. This nick-name for the tried and true Model-View-Controller architecture for application development refers to the problem of where to put application logic. The most convenient place is the view controllerclass for whatever you are working on at the moment. The problem is that these files tend to become huge, and it is something that has become painfully obvious in my day-to-day development efforts lately. When something isn’t working the way I want it to, I need to fix it. In this case, I need a new way of thinking about application architecture that doesn’t result in 10,000 line view controller files. Enter VIPER.

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Have fun first - an interesting take on software development

First of all, let me say that I am one of the lucky people that actually does something they truly find interesting, have fun doing, and can get paid for.  I am not unhappy in my job at all, and actually look forward to starting work every day.  There are still moments that I feel frustrated and tasks that I put off until later, and I’m starting to look at those moments and tasks to see if there is a way to either eliminate them or change my perception of them so they aren’t so difficult for me to deal with.

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New app design chosen, now what.

As you have probably guessed if you have been following along, I have now decided on my next app: An event countdown app.  The concept is simple: Choose a date in the future and the app starts counting down - displaying an up to the second accurate time until that event occurs.  Very simple and straight forward, so you would think there wouldn’t be too many of these apps out there: wrong!

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How to get an idea for an iPhone app: Research, research, research

One of the problems I have when I go looking for an app to build, or any new project for that matter, is that I have absolutely no idea where to start or what to build.  I am not prone to fantastic breakthroughs or insights that keep me up in the middle of the night, I have children for that.  Please note that I have not originated this method, I have borrowed and tweaked it from Chad Mureta who wrote a fantastic book called ‘App Empire.’  If you don’t want to read the entire post, a summary is provided at the end.

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Redefining the Evil Plan

It would seem that in my quest to produce simple applications for the iPhone I have run into an issue with Apple.  They believe my initial app is too simple, and as such has been rejected.  So, I need to re-vamp the concept of the daily wikipedia notification to be something a bit more unique.

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